
Your online meeting room


Purl is your own video meeting room where your clients and colleagues can meet you quickly, efficiently and reliably

Purl has features which set it apart from the competition. There is no requirement for any installation from either party, just an internet connection and a modern browser. This allows for instant video communication, with no need to ask for account details, just share your Purl link with your guests.




The user flow and simplicity of using Purl was a key requirement during the design phase.   The user can very quickly get started with Purl, simply logging on to www.purl-app.com, sharing a link and waiting for invited guests to join. The application is free to use for creating chat rooms, instant text chat and inviting multiple users. The signup process allows for a free trial of a premium version, which has additional features. Purl premium allows users to present powerpoint slides remotely, and record meetings at any point for future reference.

Project approach


We teamed up with Telefonica to enter the Video Over IP market place. Already crowded, we took great care working collaboratively with the Purl product manager and development team to ensure a smooth User Experience. One of the main efforts of the design of the application was a simple user flow and a quick setup process, allowing the user to join your room in just two clicks.


We approached the project with an agile development process, allowing us the flexibly to work on the application iteratively. This project management allowed for quick design and build cycles, allowing us to add or improve Purl's product features in a short space of time.

Agile Project Management

This agile process replaced the traditional 'Waterfall' project management model, which relies on a watertight, and very inflexible, project lifespan. Using scrums and sprints is really beneficial in identifying areas which require more work, focus or need overhauling altogether, and placing higher priority on these areas. Of course an agile response is not best suited for every project, but in this case was beneficial for all parties.



Purl is also available for iPad at launch. The application can be used on the move with either a Wifi or stable 3G + connection. The application has purposefully limited functionality on the iPad when compared with the web based counterpart, and has been designed around communication as the focal element, rather than emulating the feature rich desktop application.

The result

The result was a finished product which looked great, performed well and brought new features to the video chat marketplace. We started with the MVP (minimum viable product) and built upon it through a series of agile project sprints, refining the product until we were happy, and it was handed for for release. Throughout the process we found various technical restraints that had to be overcome, but through effective communication with the Product Manager and development team at Telefonica, brought the product to market.


To take a look at Purl, navigate to purl-app.com, or if you have an iPad, download the application at the App Store.

What we learned
What we learned

Iain C Reid, Creative lead

“The biggest eye opener on this project was the mobile side of the application design. Designing an application for tablet with limited functionality felt restrictive at first, but when you explore the use cases, makes perfect sense.”

The client
The client

Telefónica is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world in terms of market capitalisation and number of customers.

Our relationship with Telefónica has given us unparalleled levels of access to products of innovation and creativity and our engagement amongst the multitude of digital products, both commercial and experimental, allows us to flex our creative and technical muscles with unique freedom.