Tag Archive: demoLABS

I’m the freaking weather

I’m the freaking weather

Have you ever, been too lazy to look outside? Or wanted to read puns about the weather?...
MapMe – Give your memory a break

MapMe – Give your memory a break

Ever had that thought where you’ve wondered where on earth you were last Monday at 4pm?  I’m not a bad......
Rate Your Kebab – Developer Diary – Nearing completion

Rate Your Kebab – Developer Diary – Nearing completion

It's been too long since the last development diary so I thought it was time to re-evaluate where we are with the app and address some the issues we've enountered since last time....
demoLabs – providing the spark

demoLabs – providing the spark

Some of the greatest discoveries can often come about by chance or coincidence. Certainly, we could also state that a......
Rate My Kebab – Diary day 1

Rate My Kebab – Diary day 1

Occasionally in the shower, I'll have a cataclysmic brainwave that triggers a set of neuro synapses, culminating a moment of eureka frenzied euphoria that has me scribbling away on a scrap of paper these visions from beyond....